KDE Plasma is a collection of packages based on top of KDE Frameworks and QML. They implement the KDE Display Environment (Plasma).
Development versions of BLFS may not build or run some packages properly if LFS or dependencies have been updated since the most recent stable versions of the books.
The instructions below build all of the Plasma packages in one step by using a bash script.
Download (HTTP): https://download.kde.org/stable/plasma/6.3.2
Download MD5 sum: See Below
Download size: 250 MB
Estimated disk space required: 2.2 GB (495 MB installed)
Estimated build time: 15 SBU (using parallelism=8)
Boost-1.87.0, FFmpeg-7.1.1, GTK-3.24.49, KDE Frameworks-6.11.0, kirigami-addons-1.4.0, libdisplay-info-0.2.0, libpwquality-1.4.5, libqalculate-5.5.2, libnl-3.11.0, libxcvt-0.1.3, libxkbcommon-1.8.0, Mesa-25.0.1 built with Wayland-1.23.0, opencv-4.11.0, phonon-4.12.0, pipewire-1.4.0, pulseaudio-qt-1.7.0, qca-2.3.10, qcoro-0.11.0, sassc-3.6.2, taglib-2.0.2, xdotool-3.20211022.1, and Xorg Evdev Driver-2.11.0
gsettings-desktop-schemas-47.1, libcanberra-0.30, libinput-1.27.1, libpcap-1.10.5, libwacom-2.14.0 and Xorg Wacom Driver-1.2.3 (for wacomtablet), Linux-PAM-1.7.0, lm-sensors-3-6-0, oxygen-icons-6.0.0, pciutils-3.13.0, power-profiles-daemon-0.30, and the following Python modules: psutil-7.0.0, pygdbmi-, sentry-sdk-2.22.0, urllib3-2.3.0 (if they are not installed, they will be downloaded and installed by the drkonqi build procedure)
AccountsService-23.13.9, breeze-icons-6.11.0, kio-extras-24.12.2, smartmontools-7.4, xdg-desktop-portal-1.20.0, and Xwayland-24.1.6
AppStream-1.0.4 (build with -qt=true), GLU-9.0.3, ibus-1.5.31, qtwebengine-6.8.2, KDevPlatform, libgps, libhybris, packagekit-qt, Qapt, SCIM, and socat (for pam_kwallet)
The easiest way to get the KDE Plasma packages is to use a single wget to fetch them all at once:
wget -r -nH -nd -A '*.xz' -np $url
The options used here are:
-r recurse through child directories
-nH disable generation of host-prefixed directories
-nd do not create a hierarchy of directories
-A '*.xz' just get the *.xz files
-np don't get parent directories
There is one downloaded file, spectacle-, that is mislabeled. When extracted the top level directory does not match the tarball name. We need to make that file consistent now:
mv spectacle- spectacle-6.3.2.tar.xz
The order of building files is important due to internal dependencies. Create the list of files in the proper order as follows:
cat > plasma-6.3.2.md5 << "EOF"
34c760dc07f498d800c78013e89720b8 kdecoration-6.3.2.tar.xz
1a23a3c130d5a73e851556638e05c86a libkscreen-6.3.2.tar.xz
f8d52a88a1b4bb492fb4c590d93efd9f libksysguard-6.3.2.tar.xz
7d88c11927b7254a48c239f8ff833161 breeze-6.3.2.tar.xz
7c23c6cca6ae3b75c7d6e338d655f6be breeze-gtk-6.3.2.tar.xz
f56e4b5f766ddf07974646305e32f86e layer-shell-qt-6.3.2.tar.xz
c1ee6ea5e63f87819e53aae19e7175f5 plasma-activities-6.3.2.tar.xz
d98a720f6c7bf6b18f68eaa0842454c9 libplasma-6.3.2.tar.xz
97d0ef783470792339b0ab04325bc374 kscreenlocker-6.3.2.tar.xz
cb1b7c21781685de53e066ed83f0ec88 kinfocenter-6.3.2.tar.xz
153b3403440f5376a170055b3e0e7740 kglobalacceld-6.3.2.tar.xz
425782c861e1b1bf0bb49a782b402cd6 kwayland-6.3.2.tar.xz
e4c54188e25914eb0d0e5693b0e6332c kwin-
#309881e87eab586be5448455f4d81b19 kwin-6.3.2.tar.xz
0c0eaea9839bff9b0ac70e09814618f2 plasma5support-6.3.2.tar.xz
b59f54a9c59f5633d4141f9acd6369ce plasma-activities-stats-6.3.2.tar.xz
dbdc3c9f45d0e0e09ab2b6cf6b6b75d7 kpipewire-6.3.2.tar.xz
b83418536dead5549a9c87eaf7b1fe4d plasma-workspace-6.3.2.tar.xz
5737bfdf712844e76b0da0acedd8f339 plasma-disks-6.3.2.tar.xz
62d50988f3833ed98e22a0c6fbb805ff bluedevil-6.3.2.tar.xz
dfd47627bc8da5c5b53475214a648b28 kde-gtk-config-6.3.2.tar.xz
06577237fc872fb7659b11e829594144 kmenuedit-6.3.2.tar.xz
77dba21438203d747f9361ef91e3f27b kscreen-6.3.2.tar.xz
2b880797d9e6ccd1cba40285436b1789 kwallet-pam-6.3.2.tar.xz
bf7edbc9fd326ab2764e1244e6835ffa kwrited-6.3.2.tar.xz
7d787ff90098760bf8eb5db7fd833bc8 milou-6.3.2.tar.xz
1b9dd5ae4ebf274bc282d2636af50fbb plasma-nm-6.3.2.tar.xz
281ec80a71b3942a8d42a5132682f1bc plasma-pa-6.3.2.tar.xz
0f225ead05e73c43599a66cd6d796cc6 plasma-workspace-wallpapers-6.3.2.tar.xz
5bdd87252dc6713f4b9ebd44e2caaf4e polkit-kde-agent-1-6.3.2.tar.xz
29608ea71ab87f3491adcb5584ca8dc9 powerdevil-6.3.2.tar.xz
f323dda4120302a0759fe81679c9dbd6 plasma-desktop-6.3.2.tar.xz
4353d584447fb28011637ed3d85b4920 kgamma-6.3.2.tar.xz
e278489c407a411270f70d945f6d6a51 ksshaskpass-6.3.2.tar.xz
#bf4d0d25e309e930cbf867b0f4460e51 plasma-sdk-6.3.2.tar.xz
2b4b42f97b187209a6d93f7167b793ca sddm-kcm-6.3.2.tar.xz
#05dd805ad6eaaa6563ac16ef413f8ad3 discover-6.3.2.tar.xz
#037192907099c3a3edcceee135336040 breeze-grub-6.3.2.tar.xz
#5e2b70c2282b5597f86008e3bf27b632 breeze-plymouth-6.3.2.tar.xz
a7846a4612e60ac416b1db227d208e95 kactivitymanagerd-6.3.2.tar.xz
477b200bc4bc43344529a835c5e607a3 plasma-integration-6.3.2.tar.xz
#9b3e41e24234f6c01f64739babcede7a plymouth-kcm-6.3.2.tar.xz
79cea0f52385ce4bb8448a0f7b17f212 xdg-desktop-portal-kde-6.3.2.tar.xz
6fd748a372f52c33ce869b58b7d5fe18 drkonqi-6.3.2.tar.xz
ed431307e4784a87bd24576df4394e6e plasma-vault-6.3.2.tar.xz
#6ed2a9395f7e569ca38875c44db408db plasma-browser-integration-6.3.2.tar.xz
147069fdc10dea3a7a7701df9fd2d9ee kde-cli-tools-6.3.2.tar.xz
3a846d5cf8d923780e21f011ae2ceb17 systemsettings-6.3.2.tar.xz
8b43cda434ae5d88c9436e3d4b793164 plasma-thunderbolt-6.3.2.tar.xz
#5c1c23af1627d25842bfc28dc56fe048 plasma-mobile-6.3.2.tar.xz
#9a07133320259913c5a826b5256f86d8 plasma-nano-6.3.2.tar.xz
488fc23da31e10dd7bc2a1e36ee6716d plasma-firewall-6.3.2.tar.xz
602917d54289a02a6711f215dae470bb plasma-systemmonitor-6.3.2.tar.xz
361d1a0da813fd82bd36e11fcc4b157b qqc2-breeze-style-6.3.2.tar.xz
b26d38fb9f9d83b27bcafaec1597843a ksystemstats-6.3.2.tar.xz
2102f13838581d36a8247e2b54fff369 oxygen-sounds-6.3.2.tar.xz
ba8261586695cccdb01a6de8d400281c kdeplasma-addons-6.3.2.tar.xz
#b32d6d4486fd549d61aeff96c1dfff85 flatpak-kcm-6.3.2.tar.xz
8d3998b1e171ee55c91a419cc8ba6319 plasma-welcome-6.3.2.tar.xz
faf86ec8c776cd351c1a96ed70328da3 ocean-sound-theme-6.3.2.tar.xz
f7a577b9baf316504e2ab9481f376008 print-manager-6.3.2.tar.xz
7d06df172f05b46ea6e97ae41f6e8be7 wacomtablet-6.3.2.tar.xz
#8575d2950cff501301f92426145e3056 kwayland-integration-6.3.2.tar.xz
#3679989f3a64f9c5b976175267119334 krdp-6.3.2.tar.xz
b812507c2d6720a1a9aca4e38b993f68 oxygen-6.3.2.tar.xz
#99b5985ac398900121545d03ab54530e plasma-dialer-6.3.2.tar.xz
#ffeddc23f3e90de981301940b21550d0 spacebar-6.3.2.tar.xz
e9fc02ced53504b97341e0f248c63ee8 spectacle-6.3.2.tar.xz
In the above list, several files are commented out with a hash (#) character.
The plasma-sdk package is optional and used for software development.
The discover package requires AppStream-1.0.4 to be built with the -D qt=true switch.
The breeze-grub, breeze-plymouth, and plymouth-kcm packages above are all for customized support of Plymouth which is designed to be run within an initial ram disk during boot (see the section called “About initramfs”).
The plasma-browser-integration package is designed to implement browser integration for Plasma into Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. The package does build, but is only useful if you want these browsers to be integrated into the shell in a way that lets you see (and control) downloads from Plasma's notifications area, as well as allowing you to search browser history in the KDE Runner. Note that you must also install a browser extension for this to work. For more details, see the KDE Plasma wiki page about browser integration.
The krdp package is used to allow an RDP server to be run while using Plasma. This feature requires the 2.x version of FreeRDP, which is not in BLFS.
The plasma-nano package is used for embedded systems.
The plasma-mobile, plasma-dialer, and spacebar packages provide phone functionality for Plasma.
The flatpak-kcm package is for managing support of flatpak applications.
The kwayland-integration application requires plasma5 support.
When installing multiple packages in a script, the installation needs to be done as the root user. There are three general options that can be used to do this:
Run the entire script as the root user (not recommended).
Use the sudo command from the Sudo-1.9.16p2 package.
Use su -c "command arguments" (quotes required) which will ask for the root password for every iteration of the loop.
One way to handle this situation is to create a short bash function that automatically selects the appropriate method. Once the command is set in the environment, it does not need to be set again.
as_root() { if [ $EUID = 0 ]; then $* elif [ -x /usr/bin/sudo ]; then sudo $* else su -c \\"$*\\" fi } export -f as_root
First, start a subshell that will exit on error:
bash -e
Install all of the packages by running the following commands:
while read -r line; do # Get the file name, ignoring comments and blank lines if $(echo $line | grep -E -q '^ *$|^#' ); then continue; fi file=$(echo $line | cut -d" " -f2) pkg=$(echo $file|sed 's|^.*/||') # Remove directory packagedir=$(echo $pkg |sed 's|\.tar.*||') # Source directory tar -xf $file pushd $packagedir mkdir build cd build cmake -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$KF6_PREFIX \ -D CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBEXECDIR=libexec \ -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ -D BUILD_QT5=OFF \ -D BUILD_TESTING=OFF \ -W no-dev .. && make as_root make install popd as_root rm -rf $packagedir as_root /sbin/ldconfig done < plasma-6.3.2.md5 exit
If you did not set $KF6_PREFIX
, create symlinks to allow
display managers to find Plasma,
and to allow the XDG Desktop Portal to be detected. As the
# Setup xsessions (X11 sessions) install -dvm 755 /usr/share/xsessions cd /usr/share/xsessions [ -e plasma.desktop ] || ln -sfv $KF6_PREFIX/share/xsessions/plasmax11.desktop # Setup wayland-sessions install -dvm 755 /usr/share/wayland-sessions cd /usr/share/wayland-sessions [ -e plasmawayland.desktop ] || ln -sfv $KF6_PREFIX/share/wayland-sessions/plasma.desktop # Setup xdg-desktop-portal install -dvm 755 /usr/share/xdg-desktop-portal cd /usr/share/xdg-desktop-portal [ -e kde-portals.conf ] || ln -sfv $KF6_PREFIX/share/xdg-desktop-portal/kde-portals.conf # Setup kde portal install -dvm 755 /usr/share/xdg-desktop-portal/portals cd /usr/share/xdg-desktop-portal/portals [ -e kde.portal ] || ln -sfv $KF6_PREFIX/share/xdg-desktop-portal/portals/kde.portal
If you built Plasma with the recommended Linux PAM support, create necessary
configuration files by running the following commands as the
cat > /etc/pam.d/kde << "EOF"# Begin /etc/pam.d/kde auth requisite pam_nologin.so auth required pam_env.so auth required pam_succeed_if.so uid >= 1000 quiet auth include system-auth account include system-account password include system-password session include system-session # End /etc/pam.d/kde
EOF cat > /etc/pam.d/kde-np << "EOF"# Begin /etc/pam.d/kde-np auth requisite pam_nologin.so auth required pam_env.so auth required pam_succeed_if.so uid >= 1000 quiet auth required pam_permit.so account include system-account password include system-password session include system-session # End /etc/pam.d/kde-np
EOF cat > /etc/pam.d/kscreensaver << "EOF"# Begin /etc/pam.d/kscreensaver auth include system-auth account include system-account # End /etc/pam.d/kscreensaver
You can start Plasma from a TTY, using xinit-1.4.4.
To start Plasma using xinit-1.4.4, run the following commands:
cat > ~/.xinitrc << "EOF"
dbus-launch --exit-with-x11 $KF6_PREFIX/bin/startplasma-x11
The X session starts on the first unused virtual terminal, normally vt7. You can switch to another vtn simultaneously pressing the keys Ctrl-Alt-Fn (n=1, 2, ...). To switch back to the X session, normally started at vt7, use Ctrl-Alt-F7. The vt where the command startx was executed will display many messages, including X starting messages, applications automatically started with the session, and eventually, some warning and error messages. You may prefer to redirect those messages to a log file, which not only will keep the initial vt uncluttered, but can also be used for debugging purposes. This can be done starting X with:
startx &> ~/x-session-errors
When shutting down or rebooting, the shutdown messages appear on the vt where X was running. If you wish to see those messages, simultaneously press keys Alt-F7 (assuming that X was running on vt7).