Creating a new partition

Before we can build our new Linux system, we need to have an empty Linux partition on which we can build our new system. I recommend a partition size of at least 5 00 MB. You can get away with around 250MB for a bare system with no extra bells and whistles (such as software for emailing, networking, Internet, X Window System and such). If you already have a Linux Native partition available, you can skip this subsection.

Start the pdisk program (or some other fdisk program you prefer) with the appropriate hard disk as the option (like /dev/shda if you want to create a new partition on the first SCSI disk). The partition that is available for partitioning is called Apple_Free_Space. To create a linux capable partition in that free space, type c followed by the partition designation of the free space p<n>, the size in MB of the desired partition <size>M and the name of the partition <name>. The example below creates a 1.8 GB partition name root starting at the beginning of the free space designated as partition 6: c p6 1800M root