Installing Gettext-0.11.1

Estimated build time:           1 minute
Estimated required disk space:  11MB

Installation of Gettext

Install Gettext by running the following commands:

./configure --prefix=/usr &&
make &&
make install

Contents of gettext-0.10.40

Program Files

gettext, gettextize, msgcmp, msgcomm, msgfmt, msgmerge, msgunfmt, ngettext and xgettext



The gettext package is used for internationalization (also known as i18n) and for localization (also known as l10n). Programs can be compiled with Native Language Support (NLS) which enable them to output messages in the users native language rather than in the default English language.


The gettextize program copies all standard gettext files into a directory. It's used to make a package with gettext translations.


The msgcmp program compares two raw translation files.


The msgcomm program searches messages which appear in several .po files. It's used to compare how things are translated.


The msgfmt program compiles raw translation into machine code. It's used to create the final program/package translation file.


The msgmerge program combines two raw translations into one file. It's used to update the raw translation with the source extract.


The msgunfmt program decompiles translation files into raw translation text. It can only be used if the compiled versions are available.


The ngettext program displays native language translations of a textual message whose grammatical form depends on a number.


The xgettext program extracts the message lines from the programers c files. It's used to make the first translation template.


Gettext-0.10.40 needs the following to be installed:

autoconf: autoconf, autoheader
automake: aclocal, automake
bash: sh
binutils: ar, as, ld, nm, ranlib, strip
bison: bison
diffutils: cmp
fileutils: chmod, install, ln, ls, mkdir, mv, rm, rmdir
gcc: cc, cc1, collect2, cpp0, gcc
grep: egrep, fgrep, grep
m4: m4
make: make
gawk: gawk
sed: sed
sh-utils: basename, echo, expr, hostname, sleep, uname
texinfo: install-info, makeinfo
textutils: cat, sort, tr, uniq