Installing Reiserfsprogs-3.x.1b

Estimated build time:           1 minute
Estimated required disk space:  7 MB

Installation of Reiserfsprogs

Reiserfsprogs only needs to be installed if you intend on using the reiserfs filesystem. Install Reiserfsprogs by running the following commands:

./configure --mandir=/usr/share/man &&
make &&
make install

Command explanations

--mandir=/usr/share/man: This ensures that the manual pages are installed in the correct location while still installing the programs in /sbin as they should be.

Contents of reiserfsprogs-3.x.0j

Program Files

debugreiserfs, mkreiserfs, reiserfsck, resize_reiserfs and unpack



debugreiserfs can sometimes help to solve problems with reiserfs filesystems. If it is called without options it prints the super block of any reiserfs filesystem found on the device.


mkreiserfs creates a reiserfs file system.


reiserfsck checks a reiserfs file system.


resize_reiserfs is used to resize an unmounted reiserfs file system


No description is currently available.


Reiserfs-3.x.0j needs the following to be installed:

autoconf: autoconf, autoheader
automake: aclocal, automake
bash: sh
binutils: ar, as, ld, ranlib
diffutils: cmp
fileutils: chmod, install, ls, rm
gcc: cc1, collect2, cpp0, gcc
grep: egrep, grep
m4: m4
make: make
gawk: gawk
sed: sed
sh-utils: echo, expr, hostname, sleep
texinfo: makeinfo
textutils: cat, tr