Installing Bzip2-1.0.2

Estimated build time:           0.1 SBU
Estimated required disk space:  3 MB

Contents of Bzip2

(Last checked against version 1.0.2.)

Bzip2 is a block-sorting file compressor which generally achieves a better compression than the traditional gzip does.

Bzip2 installs the following files:

Program Files

bunzip2 (link to bzip2), bzcat (link to bzip2), bzcmp, bzdiff, bzegrep, bzfgrep, bzgrep, bzip2, bzip2recover, bzless and bzmore

Library Files

libbz2.a, (link to, (link to and

Bzip2 Installation Dependencies

(Last checked against version 1.0.1.)

Bash: sh
Binutils: ar, as, ld, ranlib
Coreutils: cp, ln, rm
GCC: cc1, collect2, cpp0, gcc
Make: make

Installation of Bzip2

Prepare Bzip2 for compilation with:

make -f Makefile-libbz2_so
make clean

The -f flag will cause Bzip2 to be built using a different Makefile file, in this case the Makefile-libbz2_so file, which creates a dynamic library and links the bzip2 utilities against it.

Compile the package:


Install it:

make install

And install the shared bzip2 binary into the /bin directory, then make some necessary symbolic links, and clean up.

cp bzip2-shared /bin/bzip2
cp -a* /lib
ln -s ../../lib/ /usr/lib/
rm /usr/bin/{bunzip2,bzcat,bzip2}
mv /usr/bin/{bzip2recover,bzless,bzmore} /bin
ln -s bzip2 /bin/bunzip2
ln -s bzip2 /bin/bzcat