
For installation instructions see the Section called Installing Patch-2.5.4 in Chapter 6.

Official Download Location

Patch (2.5.4):

Contents of Patch

The patch program modifies a file according to a patch file. A patch file usually is a list, created by the diff program, that contains instructions on how an original file needs to be modified.

Installed program: patch

Short description

patch modifies files according to a patch file. A patch file normally is a difference listing created with the diff program. By applying these differences to the original files, patch creates the patched versions. Using patches instead a entire new tarballs to keep your sources up-to-date can save you a lot of download time.

Patch Installation Dependencies

Patch depends on: Bash, Binutils, Coreutils, Diffutils, GCC, Glibc, Grep, Make, Sed.